Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Momma's Time Out

Parenting special needs children can wear thin on a mom from time to time.  There's doctor appointments, psychiatrist appointments, therapy appointments, then of course you have the special education teachers that you have to deal with when it comes to IEP time.  Every once in awhile I just need a time out, I found this picture on my Facebook wall which I thought was perfect, but do you know how many pins I would need to hang up all of my kids???  Geesh!  I would also need a long drying line, which of course I don't have, so I guess my only alternative is my hot bubble baths that I take to de-stress from the day.

Sure I can run my errands by myself if I wanted to, and sometimes I do, but most of the time, my oldest daughter likes to tag along.  She's 24, so she's not bad to shop with.  Plus we have our mother-daughter dates, but it's also nice that she's old enough to watch the kids so my husband and I can have date night as well.  Date night helps keep our relationship going strong.  It gives us time to ourselves without the interruptions of kids.  My boys (almost 10 & 11) are very attached to my husband, so they take up most if not all of his time while they are home.

It also doesn't help that their room is the most haunted in the house with the most activity and ever since my dad died 7 months ago, the boys refuse to sleep in their room.  So what does that mean?  Yep, they've been "camping out" in our room at night at the foot of our bed.  Makes for 'great' quality time between Jon and I. 

The one thing that I guess I have the hardest time dealing with are the meltdowns.  They are hard to deal with because most of the time you never know when one is going to happen.  Sure I know some of my kids triggers, but not many and with children with autism spectrum disorders, you don't need a trigger to have a meltdown.  My youngest son has them daily and most of the time we don't know why.  We just try and do damage control while he's in the process of melting.  He also has no problems having meltdowns at school either, I get emails on a regular basis about his meltdowns and having to be removed from the regular ed classroom and put into the special ed room for his safety and the safety of the other kids.

No matter the stress or chaos that is apart of my life, I would never trade it for the world.  My kids are my life and I love my life for what it is and the challenges that it brings with it.

Until next time....


  1. Hi I like your post and concur. I have been struggling this week with my son because my husband has been away for the week and he is reacting from his absence. It has been rough and although I sometimes want to just hide in a closet to get away from everything I would not trade places with anyone. My kids are very important to me and I believe no one else can love or teach a child better than a parent.
    I recently cited a book on my blog about raising Emotionally Intelligent Children on http://puzzlemecomplete.blogspot.com/. You can check it out of you like. Have a good day.

    1. Thank you for visiting! I will definitely check out your blog. You are right, no one can raise or love a child like a parent can. Have a great evening!

  2. Love the photos you find for your blog -- especially this one of the kid. That's just too funny. Sorry about your boys' meltdowns but glad you can solicit help from your daughter.

    1. Thanks Jackie! I get most of the pictures off my Facebook wall, or like my bookworm clip art, I found that one on yahoo image search. I also include actual family pictures that are on my computer because I enjoy sharing my family with my blog posts, it makes my posts a bit more personal. :-)
      Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  3. Girl, you are strumming my pain with your fingers. I hear you, except you have that times 5!!!

  4. P.S. apparently I can comment just fine from my iPhone, just not my 'puter. Must be my saved login settings on this iPhone???
    I take that back as my iPhone is freezing on the return/ back space/
